And, use this date format on your Word template to solve for international differences: Month (spelled out), date, year. Make sure your invoice date, payment terms, and due date line up: if your payment terms are 30 days, then the due date should be exactly 30 days from the day you sent the bill. Invoice date: This should be the day you send out the invoice, not the day you created it.So, when Jane Doe (customer number 25) makes another purchase or hires you for another job – the fifth one this year – you could list that as #25-0005. (You don’t want your customers, or your team, to refer to invoice #492485720934.) You can work around this by breaking your invoice number into multiple parts, like using a unique customer number with a variable project number. But, that may not be intuitive and can quickly become a mouthful. The simplest is chronological – use the next number in the numerical series. Invoice #: There are multiple ways to assign invoice numbers.A physical mailing address is a nice to have. Your client's information: Make sure to include at least an email address and a phone number.Your contact information: Include your company’s name, phone number, email address, and company website.Your business or freelance invoice template should generally include the following: Make sure to break down the total amount due by stating the subtotal as well as any taxes or fees.

You also want to be as transparent as possible when sending a bill, making sure to specify not only your rates but also the terms for payments. Supplying as much information on your Word invoice template helps avoid any potential delays in getting paid. What to include in your Word invoice template?